DataMapPlot Colour Options

This notebook will walk you through some of the colour specific customization options that are available in DataMapPlot. There are many options, so this notebook will instead highlight some of the major options and hint at the further customization that can be achieved with respect to them. To get started we’ll need to import DataMapPlot. Also, for the purposes of this documentation, I need to keep the image sizes smaller to fit in readthedocs; because of that I will set the global DPI for matplotlib (which DataMapPlot uses for plotting), but you should probably remove those lines if you are running this notebook yourself.

# Ensure we don't generate large images for inline docs
# You probably want to remove this if running the notebook yourself
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 72

import datamapplot

To demonstrate what DataMapPlot can do we’ll need some data. The examples directory of the DataMapPlot repository contains some pre-prepared datasets for experimenting with. We’ll grab one of those. In practice we need a data map – as set of 2d coordinates, one per data sample we are mapping – and a set of labels idenityfing the “topic” of a data sample, usually based on clusters in the data map. In this case we’ll use a data map derived from the CORD-19 dataset – a dataset of papers and scientific articles related to COVID-19 that was curated by Allen AI.

import numpy as np
import requests
import io

data_map_file = requests.get(
cord19_data_map = np.load(io.BytesIO(data_map_file.content))
label_file = requests.get(
cord19_labels = np.load(io.BytesIO(label_file.content), allow_pickle=True)

Let’s start by making the most basic DataMapPlot output based on this data so we have an idea of what the starting point looks like, and can better understand what the various customizations we will be applying can do for us.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

By default DataMapPlot colours the text labels to match with the associated clusters in the data map. This can be useful for distinguishing the different labels, and making the cluster associations, but can be distracting. We can turn that off by setting color_label_text to False.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, color_label_text=False)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Alternatively if we specify color_label_text as a string colour declaration we can force all the labels to be that colour.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, color_label_text="#990022")
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

The arrows between the text labels and clusters can be coloured by setting color_label_arrows to True. We can also change the arrow style to make the colours more obvious.

    arrowprops={"arrowstyle": "wedge, tail_width=0.5, shrink_factor=0.25"}
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

As with labels we can also specif a colour string for the arrows.

    arrowprops={"arrowstyle": "wedge, tail_width=0.5, shrink_factor=0.75"}
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Darkmode is also often useful, particularly for fitting in with presentations that already have a dark theme. DataMapPlot has a darkmode built in that tries to take care of most of the issues asscociated to changing to a dark background, such as using more pastel, rather than darker, versions of the cluster colours for palette labels, using white indicator lines by default, and handling changes to title and sub-title colours automatically. You can enable all of this with a switch via darkmode=True.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, darkmode=True)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

DataMapPlot generates a default color palette designed to have nearby clusters have similar colours. It is possible to replace this colour generated palette with your own, as we’ll see later, but for now let’s look at some of the options for tweaking this auto-generated colour palette. By default red hue end up at the left, or west, side of the map. You can shift this around via the palette_hue_shift which takes an argument, in degrees clockwise, of how far to shift the hue of the palette around. For example, if we shift the hue by -90 we will end up with the red hues at the bottom, or south, side of the map.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, palette_hue_shift=-90)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Alternatively we can spin the palette around by 160 degrees to put red hues in the east-north-east side of the map.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, palette_hue_shift=160)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

While rotating the palette around doesn’t have a dramatic effect, it can allow some degree of control, especially since the exact palette generated is data driven, and shifting the hue can help to emphasise or de-emphasise clusters as you see fit.

A more dramatic effect on the auto-generated palette can be had with the palette_hue_radius_dependence. When generating the palette from the data a small preference is given to ensuring more hue variation among points and clusters further from the center of the data map where clusters tend to be more teightly packed into smaller arcs of area. The palette_hue_radius_dependence gives some control over this. A value of 0.0 will result in the palette ignoring the relative distances from the center, while a value of 1.0 provides the default setting. By making this value larger we can significantly adjust how the palette distributtes the hues. In the CORD-19 data map we see that there are far more labels and points further from the center in the north-south orientation. Thus if we set the palette_hue_radius_dependence very high we can force most of the hue variation to live there.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, palette_hue_radius_dependence=4)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Depending on your data this may or may not be useful, but provides another degree of control over the auto-generated palette.

But what if you don’t want to use the auto-generated palette, and have your own custom palette in mind? There are two levels of support for this. The simplest allows you to specify a matplotlib cmap and a palette will be generated based on that cmap. Note that you will need to pass the actial cmap object, not merely the name. You can get the relevant objects by name using matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap:

cmap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap("viridis")

We can see the colormap in a notebook by just using the cmap native display; for the online documentation the html representation doesn’t work as well, but we can display the png version.

from IPython.display import display_png

Since we know what we want we can also access the cmap directly from the module.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels,
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Note that the result uses colours generated from the specified cmap but includes colours not in the cmap in an effort to provide smoother transitions among colours over the whole map where possible. Also, since viridis is a linear colour map, and we need something cyclic (around a circle) DataMapPlot has made the cmap cyclic simply by relfecting it. If, on the other hand, we actually provide a true cyclic cmap it will work directly with that. A good source of cyclic colour maps (aside from the few provided in matplotlib) is the colorcet package. Let’s import that so we can use a cyclic example.

import colorcet

The colorcet package provides a number of cmaps, but let’s use one of the basic cyclic ones – the colorwheeel cmap.


And we can simply drop that in as our desired cmap and DataMapPlot will detect that it is cyclic and use it directly.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels,
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

As you can see we get a good looking result with a custom colour palette – but it is still generating a palette from the colorwheel cmap. What if we want more control over the colours used?

For that case you can explicitly provide your own colour mapping from cluster labels to colours. To demonstrate that let’s import seaborn to generate a palette of the right size, and get the rgb2hex function from matplotlib since DataMapPlot wants all colours as hex-strings and not the sRGB1 triples that seaborn provides by default.

import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
import pandas as pd

At this point we can of course use any list of colours we want, but to keep things simple let’s generate a palette using Viridis color palette. We need to have as many colours as we have distinct labels, so we’ll use the length of the array given by applying np.unique to our label array. We can map rgb2hex over the result to ensure that all the colours in our list are hex-strings. To see what we’ll get let’s use seaborn’s palplot to view the palette.

sns.palplot(list(map(rgb2hex, sns.color_palette("viridis", len(np.unique(cord19_labels))))))

We can now generate a custom colour map by making a dictionary keyed by the distinct labels from our dataset and values given by the hex-string representation of the colours from our viridis colour palette. A quick zip-and-dict operation will build that for us easily. After having built the dictionary itself we will specifically set the "Unlabelled" value in the dictionary to be a basic gray tone so that we are only colouring the clusters, and not all of the data.

custom_color_map = dict(
        map(rgb2hex, sns.color_palette("viridis", len(np.unique(cord19_labels))))
custom_color_map["Unlabelled"] = "#cccccc"

Now that we have built a colur map in the correct format – a dictionary mapping labels to hex-string colours – we can apply that in DataMapPlot by using the label_color_map keyword argument.

datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, label_color_map=custom_color_map)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Note that since we built our colour map using the labels in alphabetical order (as output by np.unique) there is no logic to how the colours end up on the map. A more careful construction of a color mapping would allow you to ensure that you get smooth transitions among colours if that is what you are after. It is also worth noting that the colours of the text labels adapt to follow the custom colour map.

Just to make the point, we can also generate a palette using a categorical colour palette such as "tab20", and everything will work largely as expected.

custom_color_map = dict(
        map(rgb2hex, sns.color_palette("tab20", len(np.unique(cord19_labels))))
custom_color_map["Unlabelled"] = "#cccccc"
datamapplot.create_plot(cord19_data_map, cord19_labels, label_color_map=custom_color_map)
(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

All of this presumes, however, that you wish to colour points by clusters (and labels). Perhaps you have some entirely different data that you wish to colour points by, but still want to th text labels to pick out and describe differtent regions of the data map. This is also possible, but it does defintiely require a little more work on your part. This next section will step you through the process with an example on the CORD-19 data where we wish to colur points by the primary field of study that the research paper comes from. To do that we’ll have to start with that data – which is available in the examples directory of the DataMapPlot repository.

field_file = requests.get(
research_field = np.load(io.BytesIO(field_file.content), allow_pickle=True)

Now we need a custom colour mapping from fields of research to colours; we want similar fields to have similar(ish) colours, so let’s build a custom palette for that.

color_mapping = {}
color_mapping["Medicine"] = "#aaaaaa"
for key, color in zip(("Biology", "Chemistry", "Physics"), sns.color_palette("YlOrRd_r", 3)):
    color_mapping[key] = rgb2hex(color)
for key, color in zip(("Business", "Economics", "Political Science"), sns.color_palette("BuPu_r", 3)):
    color_mapping[key] = rgb2hex(color)
for key, color in zip(("Psychology", "Sociology", "Geography", "History"), sns.color_palette("YlGnBu_r", 4)):
    color_mapping[key] = rgb2hex(color)
for key, color in zip(("Computer Science", "Engineering", "Mathematics"), sns.color_palette("light:teal_r", 4)[:-1]):
    color_mapping[key] = rgb2hex(color)
for key, color in zip(("Environmental Science", "Geology", "Materials Science"), sns.color_palette("pink", 3), ):
    color_mapping[key] = rgb2hex(color)
for key, color in zip(("Art", "Philosophy", "Unknown"), sns.color_palette("bone", 3)):
    color_mapping[key] = rgb2hex(color)

Having built a palette, we need to apply that to the different research fields to arrive at an array with a colour per point – similar to the marker_size_array from the sizing options tutorial, but this time with colours.

marker_color_array = np.asarray([color_mapping[x] for x in research_field])

Now it is simply a matter of passing this in the create_plot using the marker_color_array keyword argument, and we can have the points coloured according to the colours specified in our array. Since we are using our own colours we’ll want to turn off the coloured label text (since there are no cluster colours to be matching with), and not use the glow effect.

(<Figure size 864x864 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)

There are many more minor options for further fine-tuning, but it is best to see the API documentation for those.